Friday, September 05, 2008

Slug Patrol

The chookies have had breakfast and a high-powered protein hit at that - and we haven't...yet!
I got very excited this morning as we did our regular Slug Patrol and counted up 39 slugs - that is our record here at Possum Bend.

Our method comes from a neat little book I was given at Christmas time - Trowel and Error: Over 700 Tips, Remedies and Shortcuts for the Gardener - I highly recommend it.

Trowel and Error: Over 700 Tips, Remedies and Shortcuts for the Gardener
And it's simple.

When we eat oranges and grapefruit we cut
the flesh out and leave the skins as 2 cups...or Slug Lures which we place around the garden upside down...and on wet nights (so that is most nights here) the slugs slither in underneath them, making them easy prey in the morning for us to find and dispose of them....and who gets them?

The chooks!

It's a win-win situation...we don't even mind their slimy feel anymore...mmmm.

1 comment:

  1. i do like, will try (i wonder if pukeko's eat slugs?).

    have a couple of hours this afternoon to head out into garden - going to prep ground to plant some tamarillos on the slope at the edge of the bush, and use my own compost, which has been slowly decomposing in a heap, with no care and attention, so feels quite satisfying!
