Wednesday, June 30, 2010

:: full moon blessings ::

a couple of years ago I was blessed in the Mid-Winter to have a magnificent glowing orb preside over my 40th birthday celebrations, held a few days after the actual day. With Mother Moon floating overhead, I felt 'held' more than usual.
+, this Saturday gone, I marked another birthday...under a full moon...firelight flickering, marshmallows melting, conversations flowing, happy faces glowing...times passes...the partial lunar eclipse slides across as we glance moonwards...snuggling child, softly snoring, contentedly shrouded in possum merino coverlet...thank you...our life is amazing and we are truly blessed.


  1. Such a beautiful and wondrous night spent with the most precious people in my life.

  2. Hi from New Zealand, Love your verse, "Begin to dream" cheers Marie
