Summer...sunshine, warmth, long days, holiday-time, stone fruit, crickets and cicadas, lushness giving way to parched landscapes, eating outdoors, short-sleeves and jandals, cricket games on the radio, painting the house...and an abundance from the edible gardens...and garlic harvest.
The quiet transformation from muddied globs wrenched from the earth to these bright, white tidy bulbs is magical! We pulled 51 bulbs that could be considered a 'bulb', plus 8 that bolted before becoming nice and fat. The plait weighs 2.4kgs, which averages at just under 50gm per bulb - I reckon that is pretty good.
Especially so, since, while I was meditatively-sitting, cleaning and trimming the haul, I glanced down NZ Gardener garden-diva, Linda Hallinan's feature article on garlic from the June 2012 magazine and read with horror that I'd planted our rows much too close together - should be bulbs handspan apart and rows approximately 40cm apart - allowing enough sunlight to penetrate to each plant!