Tuesday, January 01, 2013

:: brag-basket #4 ::

I believe this is Silverbeet 'Argentata'
this truly tickled my fancy - this one leaf of silverbeet ('chard' to some) is so large it has almost entirely covered my basket! HUGE! A meal in a leaf. 
And the only other things you can see from this FULL basket of green goodness are the tips of more and more broadbeans - I love broadbeans, a little more Cavalero Kale - which I sauteed along with 'the leaf' and the 'ears' - two gigantic zucchini (Yes, I mean marrows - they hid - I did not know they were lurking in the undergrowth - no I'm not the world's tidiest of weeders ;-) )
So tonight's meal consisted of the aforementioned greens, including 'broccolini' (sprouting broccoli that I completely encourage) and the broadbeans and in the oven was a huge tray of spuds with onions (wedge-cut, for speed and finesse!) and peppers and zucchini - all tossed about in olive oil, chilli flakes and Himalayan salt and fresh ground black pepper. A generous dollop of fresh, homemade basil/parsley/sunflower seed pesto graced each serving! Yum.
+ dessert - because it's New Year's Day - so we had to, of course - I'd been wanting to try 'Clafoutis' for a long time - no red-fleshed plums in these woods yet - so used some special organic apricots from Bremdale Farms instead and what a divine dessert emerged - straight to the pool room with that one! [ooh - and easy-peasy, too - I'd imagined that something that sounded as fancy as a 'Clafoutis' would be a finicky thing to create - not so - you must try one if you haven't already fallen for its charms!]
Happy 2013 to all and may you dream big and boldly!

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