Sunday, May 24, 2009

first frost and a pond update...

Crunching across an icy-crisp lawn on a regular basis is something I'm just not used to, being a more Northern Lass until last year. I am still in the novelty stage with it, enjoying the beauty of the effect. I know this won't last as being a gardener, I'll soon be ruing it's presence as it slowly hamstrings what I can get to grow through the Winter.
It was a mere 3 degrees as we ventured out on our animal-feeding rounds on Friday morning. Phoebe has made sure her pixies are very snug in the basket, complete with coats, blankets and pillows...
...and here is an update on the pond...slowly taking shape. The piles of rocks, driftwood and other wildlife dwelling materials is gradually building up. We have been encouraged by the rare appearances of a bright green frog...and have installed a family of fish, a red spider-lily variety of water lily and plenty of oxygen weed. Around it we've planted red daylillies, some red and some green cabbage trees (tiny at this stage), some red-splashed bromeliads, calendula and chamomile. In the Spring we'll add as many companion-type plants that encourage beneficial insects into our garden - and hopefully control some of the beasties we had finding it way too easy to get a decent meal in our gardens this last Spring and Summer!

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