Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What to do with all the Feijoas Falling...

Well, when the ground underneath our 3 ancient Feijoa trees began to look like an emerald carpet - and it wasn't grass!!! - we knew it was time to think of some yummy ways to deal to it all before the rain turned them to rotting mush and a big old fruit-fly factory.
We've made Spicy Feijoa Chutney from Digby Law's Chutney + Relish book, Tangy Feijoa Jam from the NZ Gardener Homegrown Edition, dehydrated loads and loads for dried fruit in the Winter, made crumbles, stewed some, eaten masses raw, fresh and juicy...and made this cake many times! It came to me from a friend on Waiheke, Wendy, who got it from another friend on Waiheke, called Liz...we've passed it on countless times and thought...maybe this might be the quickest and easiest way to broadcast it now. Plus Phoebe and I had a huge amount of fun pretending to be food stylists!! Tee Hee!
500gm feijoas, peeled and chopped
125gm melted butter
3/4 C raw sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 1/2 C flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp gd allspice
1/4 tsp gd ginger
2 Tblsp chopped crystallised ginger (optional)
Preheat oven to 180 C. Combine chopped feijoas, butter, crystallised ginger and sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Add egg. Sift flour, BP, BS + spices over feijoa mixture. Fold in gently and turn into a lightly buttered (or baking paper-lined) ring tin.[I don't have one of these, so I use a round tin with a latte glass standing in the centre, greased on the outside and 2/3 full with water]. Bake 35-45mins, until just cooked. Cool 20mins in the tin before turning out. Dust with icing sugar and enjoy!!


  1. Oh I'm going to try this. we've given away bags and bags of feijoas and eaten loads, but still there are more. I'll send Roo out to pick up some more and make this for dessert!

  2. Definitely excellent as a dessert cake - and with lashings of Greek Yoghurt - YUM YUM YUM! You should have seen the size of serving Phoebe thought was appropriate for herself - yes - I let her have a go at the cake - luckilly she didn't have the capacity for what she cut!

    Enjoy the dessert!
